A dedicated, unique object, inspired by the film: "Peregrin and the Giant Fish" A Marionette Opera by the Carlo Colla e Figli company, starring the puppet Peregrin, traveling to a...
Produttore: Mu Factory Descrizione: Complemento d'arredo, vaso/contenitore. Materiale: Silicone Dimensione: 20 x 10 cm Una scultura che incontra arte e design.
MATERIAL: silicone Description: Furnishing accessory: container. A sculpture that meets art and design. Dimension: 33x15 cm
MATERIAL: silicone Description: Furnishing accessory: container. A sculpture that meets art and design. Size: 16x16 cm
MATERIAL: silicone Description: Furnishing accessory: container. A sculpture that meets art and design. Dimension: 33 cm external diameter